Student Health Policies
Benedictine College expects each student to submit a health history and proof of health/accident insurance prior to arrival on campus. If you do not have personal health insurance, you, the student, will need to purchase health insurance before arriving on campus. The College does not endorse a specific provider, but students do need to obtain insurance coverage.
Health Forms for New Student-Athletes: After June 1, you will receive an email from Benedictine Athletic Training with instructions and a link to complete your health forms online. Please complete the forms by August 1. Bring a copy of your immunization record with you on your move-in day, email it to Student Health Services – Laura O’Grady ( or mail it to:
Laura O’Grady, RN, BSN
Benedictine College
215 M Street
Atchison, Kansas 66002
Health Forms for all other New Students: Download and complete required Health Form with medical and immunization history by August 1. Proof of insurance (copy of front and back of insurance card) is strongly recommended but not required. Submit via email ( or mail completed documents to Student Health Services:
Laura O’Grady, RN, BSN
Benedictine College
215 M Street
Atchison, Kansas 66002
Immunization Policies
Immunization Requirement Policy
All new, transferring, and international students, regardless of age, must submit an accurate immunization history with validated proof of immunity signed by their health care provider before or immediately upon arrival to campus. If the student fails to submit an immunization history form with valid proof of immunity, he or she will be notified in writing of being in noncompliance with the immunization requirements and will be placed on administrative hold until the non-compliant status has been resolved by the student.
As stated in Student Handbook: “Each student is expected to submit to Student Health a pre-registration health history, immunization history, and proof of health/accident insurance. Student health insurance information is available online.”
Required Student Documentation
- Mandatory Meningitis Vaccine
- ALL incoming students are required to get a meningitis vaccine or sign a statement saying they decline to receive it.
- Immunity to measles, mumps, and rubella by one of the following:
- TWO shots of MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella).
- Immunity to measles, mumps, and rubella by blood titer.
- TWO shots of measles, one shot of mumps, and one shot of rubella vaccine.
- Physician documentation of disease history to measles and mumps. Note: disease history for Rubella is NOT acceptable.
- The student is asked to provide the date of their last Td (tetanus/diphtheria) booster. A booster is needed every 10 years to protect the student against tetanus should a “dirty” injury occur.
- Proof of health/accident insurance, copy of insurance card front and back
Tuberculosis documented by one of the following:
- Completion of tuberculosis screening questionnaire contained in the pre-registration Student Health History and Immunization Form.
- Negative TB skin test report done within the past 12 months in the United States or in Benedictine Student Health. Those with positive skin tests will be referred for a chest x-ray and treatment recommendations.
- Negative chest x-ray report. A physician-documented summary of any treatment received should be submitted with the student’s health history form.
- History of TB, date diagnosed, and physician documentation of completed treatment. Include physician summary of names of medications received and number of months treated.
Other Recommended Immunizations
- Hepatitis B series
- Annual flu shot
- Varicella vaccine (if not immune to chicken pox)
- Others as recommended by your physician
Immunizations available at a reasonable cost:
- A Flu shot clinic is offered on campus in the fall.
- Others may be obtained at the Atchison County Health Department located at 616 Commercial, Atchison; 913.367.5152
Communicable Diseases
In the event of a disease outbreak on campus, those individuals who have elected not to be immunized or those who have not provided health records may be treated as susceptible to the disease and may be barred from the Benedictine campus and all avenues of participation, until such time as it is specified by the Atchison County Health Department and Benedictine Student Health Services that the student may no longer be susceptible. This time period could involve weeks to months. No costs will be refunded to the student in the event that the student is not able to attend class because of lack of immunization.
If you have any questions, contact Laura O’Grady